
Cambodia’s economy has grown rapidly for twenty years, and the country is likely to become a center for labor- intensive manufacturing as costs rise in neighboring Vietnam. Cambodia has low cost but relatively unskilled labor with established textiles and tourism sectors, but high corruption, limited infrastructure, and poor ease of doing business rankings create challenges. **Good choice for risk-tolerant manufacturers looking for low-cost labor**
(+) High GDP growth over the past two decades
(+) Low cost of labor and cost of living
(+) Special Economic Zones (SEZs) offer tax and regulatory incentives, especially for manufacturers
(-) Complex regulatory climate & widespread corruption
(-) Inadequate infrastructure
(-) Relatively unskilled labor pool with limited English


– 7.2% GDP average growth over the 20 years prior tor the pandemic
– Special Economic Zones (SEZs) offer low-tax, low- cost areas for manufacturing and distribution
– 21% FDI consists of investments from China – Ranked #144 of 190 on Ease of Doing Business Index due to bureaucracy and corruption

“Driven by garment exports and tourism, Cambodia’s economy has sustained an average real growth rate of 7.7% between 1998 and 2019, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the world.

Country Facts:


17.06 million; 10.8m working age; growing at 1.3%


$31.7 billion USD; 1.6% growth in 2021 but projected 5.3% growth in 2022

GNI per capita:


$4250 USD PPP; 4.7% Inflation for 2022; lower -middle-income country
$1.1 billion in 2022; growing at 17%


Textiles/garments, tourism, rubber, construction, mining, oil reserves offshore


21% of GDP prior to the pandemic, with 6.1 million arrivals in 2019; focused on Angkor Wat/Siam Reap




10.8 M

$2.5k USD


34% of NYC

No Data Found

Ease of Doing Business

Corruption Perceptions Index

Human Capital Index

Working Age Population

Household Expenditure Per Capita

English Language Capabilities

Cost of Living Plus Rent Index


Per capita expenditure:

$2,485 USD

Internet penetration:

79% (Southeast Asia 69%)

Shop online:


Mobile ownership:


Primary messaging:

Facebook Messenger

Primary website:


Average Labor:

No Data Found


No Data Found

Opening a Business:

Relevant Laws:

Law on Commercial Enterprise, 2005

Time to Incorporate:

Approximately 2-3 months depending on business entity and employees; requires multiple steps to include registration with the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Labor, and General Department of Taxation, plus obtaining appropriate licenses; fees vary.

Paid-in Capital:

Normally $1000 must be deposited in a local bank


National Bank of Cambodia must clear transfers of more than $10k; taxes include an annual patent tax based on company size, 20% profit tax, a 1% minimum tax on revenue, 10% VAT taxes, a salary tax up to 20% for employees, and a 10% rental withholding tax.


100% foreign ownership is possible; foreign companies cannot own land, produce pesticides or other toxic chemicals, or exploit forest resources.

BBA Services:

BBA does not have a physical presense in Cambodia, but BBA can assist companies across many sectors and find trusted local partners