Korea is a wealthy, highly developed country with one of the world’s best high tech manufacturing sectors, a large base of middle class consumers, and strong trade relations with the US. It can be a hard place for foreign companies to make initial inroads, but is usually worth the effort. ** Good choice for most businesses**
(+) Politically stable with world class logistics and ICT
(+) Highly educated, skilled, and productive workforce
(+) Local Korean companies compete globally
(+) Free Trade Agreement with US minimizes taxes and provides equal footing to American companies
"Given its robust shipping and air cargo infrastructure, Korea serves not only as a market destination for U.S. goods and services, but also as a hub for expansion into other markets.”
U.S. International Trade Administration, 2021
GNI per capita:
No Data Found
Ease of Doing Business
Corruption Perceptions Index
Human Capital Index
Working Age Population
Household Expenditure Per Capita
English Language Capabilities
Cost of Living Plus Rent Index
Per capita expenditure:
Shop online:
Primary messaging:
Primary website:
No Data Found
No Data Found
Relevant Laws:
Enforcement Decree of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act (1999), Foreign Investment Promotion Act (1998)
Time to Incorporate:
Approximately $400 USD, not including accounting fees. High paid-in capital requirements
Paid-in Capital:
KRW 100 million ($90k USD) paid-in capital usually required; can be avoided by opening branch instead of incorporating
Remittance Taxes:
Recently updated FTA and tax treaty with the US protects US firms and minimizes taxes
100% foreign ownership allowed; restrictions on foreign ownership in defense, power generation, broadcasting, telecommunications, air & water transport, and meat sales
Government easing regulatory burden via new Office of the Foreign Investment Ombudsman